EAZ National Economic Summit 2024

Title:   EAZ National Economic Summit 2024
Contact Person:   Bwalya Malama
Dates:   25th July 2024 - 26th July 2024
Contact Phone:   260770537400 / 260977112284
Venue:   Ciêla Resort, Lusaka
Contact Email:   summit@eaz.org.zm
Theme: Navigating Zambia's Sustainable Economic Transformation. Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Post Debt Restructuring

This summit aims to convene policymakers, captains of industry, private sector leaders, civil society stakeholders, and other relevant actors for a comprehensive discourse that will consolidate insights, catalyse collaborations, and forge actionable strategies that reconcile the complex nexus of climate change adaptation imperatives and post-public debt restructuring priorities.
Participation Fees:  
EAZ Members: K1,000
EAZ Student Members: K500
Non-members: K1,500
Non-member Students: K750