Background and introduction

Originally established in the 1960s as the Lusaka Economics Club, the Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) is a non-partisan, Professional Association whose membership includes experts in the areas of economics, business administration, finance and allied fields. The Association is registered under the Societies Act as a Non-Governmental and Not for Profit Organisation. It serves as a forum for the articulation of economic and other developmental issues.. In 1985, the Association was registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation (under the Societies Act, Cap. 105) and has since continued to serve as a forum for the articulation of economic and other developmental issues.

The Association aims to promote the socio-economic development of Zambia and the region by undertaking research, training, education, publication and consultancy in the field of economics and related disciplines. Specifically, the Association’s Constitution provides for the following functions:

a) To promote and sustain research interest in the discipline of economics, business administration, applied statistics and other related disciplines;
b) To promote high standards of professional conduct in these disciplines;
c) To provide a forum for regular professional discussion on theoretical and practical issues relating to these disciplines through conferences, workshops and seminars;
d) To publish and disseminate economic and other related literature;
e) To participate in the development of sound national, regional and international economic and other related policies;
f) To contribute to the socio-economic development of Zambia and the world at large through
(i) the establishment of active and strong networks among similar professional associations and individuals;
(ii) regular exchange of experiences, ideas and research results in order to promote coordinated solutions of national, regional and international problems; and,
(iii) convening of regular conferences and seminars on emerging issues and challenges.
g) To undertake consultancy work to ensure the financial sustainability of the Association;
h) To invest in viable instruments as well as undertake fund-raising activities from local and international sources;
i) To initiate and arrange training programmes in techniques of economic policy formulation, economic diplomacy, development of business plans, environmental auditing and impact assessment as and when demand for these services arises; and
j) To do all such acts as are necessary to foster socio-economic development in Zambia and the world at large.

In the light of the above functions, the Association runs a number of programmes. First, there are the EAZ Monthly meetings where experts are invited to address members on different pertinent topics. Secondly, the Association has in the past commissioned specialist research teams to undertake studies in the various aspects of interest to the Association. Thirdly, local and international workshops have also been organised by EAZ. Lastly, the Association also engages in networking in order to establish links with relevant organisations that are involved in similar activities. The Association’s Constitution further allows it to establish Chapters in areas outside Lusaka where there are more than twenty ordinary members that are willing to form these.

The Association has a Secretariat that is headed by an Executive Director (ED) who is appointed by the National Executive Committee (Board). The ED implements the decisions of the Annual General Meeting and the National Executive Committee and prepares and manages the Association’s annual programme of work and its budget. The revenues of the Association are derived from membership fees, annual subscriptions, research, publications and consultancy work as well as endowments from donations and other fund-raising activities.

Vision, Mission, Goal & Values

To fulfil its mandate, the EAZ has set the following strategic direction through the Vision, Mission, Goal and Values which are stated below:


To be a centre of excellence for professional and independent economic policy analysis and research
Mission. To contribute to economic and social development through the promotion and advocacy of sound economic policies


Develop a culture of proactive thinking and engagement among all stakeholders in the discipline of economics for the growth of the national economy.


The Association recognizes the need for upholding professional standards and ethical conduct in the implementation of this Strategic Plan. In this regard, the EAZ shall be guided by the following five core values:

• Transparency – performing official duties in an open and honest manner;
• Accountability – being accountable to all members, staff, stakeholders
and members of the public in all its activities;
• Professionalism – providing service with skill, objectivity and diligence to all stakeholders in a professionally ethical manner;
• Integrity – exhibiting the highest standards of personal probity and behaviour;
• Impartiality – provide service in an impartial manner free of political, personal or other bias;


The Association has elaborated five main objectives for the period 2022 – 2023:

1. To provide effective input into public policy for decision-making;
2. To mobilise evidence-based policy research in economics and related disciplines;
3. To strengthen public information and outreach on economic and related issues;
4. To mobilise and improve professional capacity for consultancy and advisory services to both the private and public sector; and
5. To strengthen the EAZ secretariat to carry out the above four objectives.

Other objectives of a longer-term nature will also be pursued to the extent possible, but will not be the main priority through the end of 2025. These are:

6. To build strategic partnerships for the formulation and implementation of economic policies
7. To establish and maintain high professional ethics and standards in economic research, consultancy, publications, and advisory services
8. To build effective national, regional, and international networks with professional associations and other institutions.